phonenumber 07914666596
river Wye
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MAP Members Courses
5 Day River Skills - RiverStrokes
Menu» 5 Day River Skills :
10 Day Lesson Pack
courses Discount Deal
Progressing your kayaking skills. Flexible courses over 6 Months



River Skills Foundations
Course Fee ?400 per person.
Location River Camp
Duration 5 days
Places Maximum 6 Available

Course Content

rolling Stability
rolling River Features
Capsize Drill
rescues Forward Paddling
leadership Kayaking Skills

rescues Sideways
Ferry Gliding
rescues Teamwork
leadership Safety
leadership River Trips

"Learn about kayaking on rivers in Wales " - Dan

The week provides 5 days of training and fun on the water learning to paddle a kayak safely on the river. Starting with calm flat water sessions to build your confidence, then progressing towards a short trip with some gentle rapids.
canoe Day 1 Monday - 9.30pm-4.00pm
The day starts with meeting the other memebers of the course.After sorting the kit out we will go on flat water to introduce or improve on skills required for River Kayaking. In the afternoon we recap and practice foundation strokes.
camping Day 2 Tuesday - 9.30pm-4.00pm
The second day is all about the river trip. the group will be introduced to river features and hazards that we find on moving water. The river trip will be 3 miles on a gentle Grade I section of the river Wye. Looking at eddies and ferry gliding skills. Controling our decent within the group.
camping Day 3 Wednesday - 9.30pm-4.00pm
Focus andopen trianing on techniuqes, the flow, teamwork and trip planning. Custom sutied to individual and group skill level.
Day 4 Thursday - 9.30am-4.00pm
On this river trip we will look in more detail moving around the river features. Rescue practice is also covered during the trip downstream.
Day 5 Friday - 9.30pm-4.00pm
All the weeks skills will be put into practice and a de breifing over coffee to conclude the week.

COURSES » 5 Day River Skills :
coaching lessons